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Narcotics Anonymous Basic Text 

This is a sixth edition of the basic text of Narcotics Anonymous. This new edition reflects the international diversity and strength of the NA Fellowship. It includes ten chapters on "Our Program" and a new section of recovery experience from NA members called "Our Members Share." It includes abstracts of each personal story.


Author: Narcotics Anonymous World Services


- 100% of all proceeds go towards our fundraising efforts for the conference!

- Hardcover

- 425 pages




"This book is the best way to introduce someone to the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous. It is a must-read for anyone struggling with substance abuse. It let's the reader know that they are not alone and they do not have to fight this battle by themselves. There are many who have gone before that can help guide you to a wonderful life free of drugs.”


Sarah H.

NA Basic Text

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